Lord of the Dance

Guest review by Russell Cook from Suffolk Village Info.

This show is a scintillating feast for the eyes.

Spectacular costumes, superb singing, stupendous stage design … and, of course, the amazing, energetic and dynamic dance routines.

Mix that all together with a finale that includes imaginative video footage of the iconic Michael Flatley and it’s two hours of sheer delight and enjoyment.

There’s delicate and daring outfits worn by the 19-strong group who display their movements from graceful elegance to powerful routines.

And it’s carried along with a storyline that emerges from the dreams of the enigmatic and quirky Little Spirit, portrayed by Cassidy Ludwig, who opens proceedings with the title’s song on her distinctive penny whistle.

It’s a classic tale of good verses evil.

In her dream the Lord of the Dance (Matt Smith) represents all that’s good in the world, but he must fight against evil in the form of The Dark Lord (Zoltan Papp) and his army of warlords.

Morrighan the Temptress (Andrea Papp Kren) comes between the Lord and his true love Saoirse (Tiernagh Canning), while Erin the Goddess (Ceyln Cartwright) sings the words that the dances express, along with the dynamic violin virtuoso pairing of Giada Costenaro Cunningham and Helena Gullan.

But it is the clicking heels, along with the delicate dancing of the cast, which grabs the attention with the precision and the amazing routines.

Matt Smith delivers a powerful display of his unique dancing talents - alongside the mesmerising Tiernagh Canning - which rises to a crescendo in the final moves.

The audience is captivated and thrilled by the ever changing moods and relationships throughout the performance which is inspired by the magician of the dance, Michael Flatley, whose original show is nearing its 30th anniversary.

It made its debut on July 2, 1996, at The Point Theatre, in Dublin, and has gone round the world performing to sold out crowds.

And the show goes on again tomorrow at The Regent with two performances, one in the afternoon and then the evening, before its next stop off point in Eastbourne.

Catch it if you can.

Lord of the Dance is at Ipswich Regent Theatre until September 5.



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