Come From Away

Guest review by Georgina Clark.

WOW - What a show!

Entering the theatre to watch Come From Away, I was a little apprehensive as I hadn’t heard much about the show and knew nothing of the story, other than its connection to 9/11. Like many others, I remember the moment I heard news of the twin tower attacks, and I confess that I was concerned as to whether you could make a musical based around that awful event that was tasteful and of quality.

It turns out - yes, you can!

The show starts as it means to go on: fast paced and loud.

I’ll be honest, I did take me 15 minutes to really get into the plot and keep up with everything, but I soon became fully engrossed.

The play is set in a small town in Newfoundland, where planes have been grounded after the 9/11 attacks. As the story unfolds, we see how the locals pull together to welcome 7,000 scared, unexpected guests from all around the world.

Incorporating a web of narratives, we follow so many characters - from the airline’s first female pilot to a New York fire fighter’s mother - and we see stories of romance, prejudice, and true kindness.

I have to say that the cast are all phenomenal and it is probably the most diverse I’ve seen in a theatre production. Each talented actor plays numerous roles, using just basic changes to wardrobe and accent to depict who they are playing.

To pick stand out moments is impossible and there were certainly no ‘weak links’ on stage. I will, however, make mention of Sarah Payzer’s solo, which told the empowering, feminist story of her career as a pilot and showed faultless vocals. Oliver Jacobs also brought joy and an outstanding acting range to proceedings - from policeman to rabbi to Spanish speaking PE teacher.

Cleverly, staging and props are kept simple and minimalistic, allowing seamless transitions to take place, and keeping a consistent pace and intensity.

If you can, I strongly recommend seeing this thought-provoking piece. It will make you laugh, make you cry, and warm even the coldest heart.

Come From Away is at Ipswich Regent until 6 July 2024.



Beauty and the Beast

