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Red Priest

A Baroque Extravaganza

The iconic baroque quartet Red Priest, described in the New York Times as “the wildly virtuosic little band”, performs a thrilling programme of 17th and 18th century masterworks in its inimitable, high energy style.

Featuring highlights from a 25-year international career at the cutting edge of early music performance including:

Vivaldi – Concerto in G minor ‘La Notte’

Telemann – ‘Gypsy’ Sonata in A minor

Bach – Toccata and Fugue in D minor

Handel – The Harmonious Blacksmith Variations

"Quite brilliant... some of the most extraordinary instrumental playing you're likely to hear." - Gramophone

"Anyone yet to encounter Red Priest should be alerted to their performances coming with a health warning. Purists might blanch at what they do with music of the Baroque, but the rest of us can revel in their exuberance, irreverence and dazzling virtuosity." - The Daily Telegraph

"Ferociously enjoyable... Superb musicians lie behind their affectionate stylistic tricks... I loved it all." - The Times


Tickets: £22 (Under 25s £9.50)

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